As Aristotle once said, "The secret of skill lies in the will," describes Pascal very well.
He has been employed at M&S since 01.09.2011. From day one, he has supported the machining department, where he still works today. The trained industrial mechanic was prepared by the M&S team on a part-time basis for several months for further training as a machine operator with a focus on metal and plastics technology (IHK) due to his committed will for further training. Due to his reliable way of working as a machine plant operator, he is responsible for ensuring our quality standards and setting up the machines after successfully completing the training.
We thank Pascal for his support and hope for the next 10 years - until then we wish him of course all the best!
Congratulations Pascal Drost!
As Aristotle once said, "The secret of skill lies in the will," describes Pascal very well.
He has been employed at M&S since 01.09.2011. From day one, he has supported the machining department, where he still works today. The trained industrial mechanic was prepared by the M&S team on a part-time basis for several months for further training as a machine operator with a focus on metal and plastics technology (IHK) due to his committed will for further training. Due to his reliable way of working as a machine plant operator, he is responsible for ensuring our quality standards and setting up the machines after successfully completing the training.
We thank Pascal for his support and hope for the next 10 years - until then we wish him of course all the best!